Based on the board game by Chad Anthony Randell:

"Thrones is a game designed to cultivate cunning and strategic maneuvering on a battlefield created by you, your opponent, and the battle between you.
The struggle for supremacy will take many forms as your infantry melee, cavalry charge, and artillery fire.
You may strike with your Throne’s royal guard or unleash a Dragon on any challenger to your claim. Not even fate itself is out of your influence and reach.
Your enemies, however, are diverse, and their lands will be treacherous to a conqueror. Destruction of their armies is just one path to victory;
If you succeed in claiming their Fortress as your own, a pretender’s family will surely plea for peace, which you can consider as their army disbands in defeat."








Rangers (fierce vikings)

Spearmen (trained veterans)

Crossbowmen (short ranged)

Catapult (mid ranged)

Trebuchet (long ranged)

Lancer (light cavalry)

Warhorse (armored cavalry)

Elephant (heavy cavalry)

Dragon (wild beast)

Throne (royal guard)


Must choose one:

  1. Move one piece, then may move a separate piece.
  2. Switch two allied, adjacent pieces and may move a piece.
  3. (Attack) Move onto an adjacent tile to remove it’s piece.
  4. (Fire) Remove one piece on another tile without moving.

Each piece can move one tile, one direction by default. Pieces can move over allied pieces if able. Ranged pieces cannot attack tiles, only fire on them.


Each tile affects how a piece interacts with the battlefield and its opponents..


A piece occupying a Fortress tile has high walls and battlements keeping it safe. The piece cannot be engaged (attacked or fired on) until the Fortress is breached.

Warhorses can only switch positions with an enemy piece occupying a Fortress if it is breached. Dragons must be able to occupy the tile outside the Fortress from the direction it would attack.


Pieces engage in battle for Fortresses, and the fog of war makes its outcome fearfully unclear. The attacker flips a coin, rolls a die, or uses the #2 method from “Gameplay” to discover if it wins or loses.

If the battle is lost during an attack, your opponent may move that piece to any adjacent tile. In either loss, the player can attack, fire, or move and/or switch other pieces to finish the turn, or attack the Fortress again, if there is a piece capable of it.

Fate’s Favor

When the Throne occupies a Fortress different from the one it did previously (or starts the game in its homeland Fortress), it gains a special, single-use Fate’s Favor tile. Their effects are listed below.
A player can use Fate’s Favor effects in addition to a Move and/or Switch Action only.

There is a max of one of each FF tiles per player. Any number of FF tiles can be played in one turn. A player needs to reveal what FF tile they have only when they use that particular effect. Don’t let your opponent see it!

Game Setup

  1. Each player gets 13 Pieces, 14 Plains, 9 Forest, 7 Water, 5 Mountain, and 1 Fortress.
  2. Players choose even or odd, and hold numbers on their hands behind their backs and reveal them simultaneously; the sum of the numbers decides who goes first. A sum of 10 requires a redo. Battles can also be resolved this way.
  3. Set the rule board as a screen so players cannot see their opponent's homeland; players place their tiles and pieces. Homeland Fortresses cannot border game board boundaries.
  4. Each player is given 4 tiles (one of each type) and puts them between their front tile row and the screen, intended as where they want them placed in the middle row.
  5. Remove screen. If both players have set middle row tiles for the same contested place, first place all uncontested tiles down in the middle row; then move both contested tiles to the leftmost open space of the player that is moving first, starting from their left.
  6. The middle row Fortress occupies wherever no tile was set, after all 8 tiles are set.
  7. The game starts! Each player cannot attack/fire on their first turn. Winning requires the removal of your opponent's Throne or occupying your opponent's homeland Fortress with your Throne.


Victory Points


Any Water tiles set on the game board's borders are considered Port tiles in this gametype; a Port allows a unit occupying it to occupy/attack any other Port tile.

Row Balancing

Lay pieces and home tiles with at least one of each of the 4 tile types in each of the 4 rows.


Set Piece Battle

During setup (when players set their tiles and pieces) they must choose 10 of the 13 pieces. The 3 they do not choose are left out of the battle. Must include Throne as 1 of 10.